Aerospace Engineering Minor
Students can receive an aerospace minor by successfully completing the following courses:
ME 127: Introduction to Composite Materials
ME 136: Introduction to Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
ME 163: Engineering Aerodynamics or AE C162/ME C162: Introduction to Flight Mechanics
and their respective prerequisites:
ME C85: Introduction to Solid Mechanics
ME 106: Fluid Mechanics
ME 132: Dynamic Systems and Feedback
Application and Declaration Process
Students can declare their Aerospace Engineering(AE) Minor after completing the following 3 prerequisite courses: ME C85, ME 106 and ME 132. Students must have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0, as well as a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the prerequisite courses listed in order to declare and be admitted to the AE Minor program. To declare your intention to pursue the AE Minor, please use your Berkeley email address/calnet ID and fill out the AE Minor application to declare form. The deadline to submit an application is at the end of the semester prior to a student’s expected graduation term (e.g. End of Fall 2024 semester for those graduating in Spring 2025). If there are any prerequisite courses in progress being taken in the semester before the expected graduation term, final grades and GPA for the prerequisite courses will be verified to determine eligibility before processing the application to declare the AE Minor program. Late applications will not be considered. Students must be declared no later than the first day of classes of their expected graduation term.
For questions, please contact or call (510) 643-8017.
Policies for Completion and Certification of Minor Program
Mechanical Engineering (ME) Majors ONLY are allowed to overlap the 3 prerequisite courses. ME students will receive the minor by successfully completing the 3 prerequisite courses and the following 3 upper division courses: ME 127, ME 136, and ME 163 or ME C162/AE C162. These three upper division ME courses cannot overlap or be used towards your ME Technical Electives for the ME major. You must select three additional technical electives. 24 units are required to complete both the ME major and the minor in AE.
For non-ME majors, a maximum of only one upper division course (numbered 100+) can be counted toward both the minor and major, there are no restrictions of how many lower division courses overlap.
All courses taken to fulfill the minor requirements must be taken for a letter grade. Students must have a minimum of 2.0 GPA in all of the minor courses at the time of graduation. Completion of the minor cannot delay a student’s graduation. After completion of the remaining upper division minor course requirements, students will need to complete and submit to the Aerospace Engineering Student Services Advisor a Confirmation of Completion of Minor Form via email at or by dropping off the form to Room 6175 Etcheverry Hall. The Confirmation of Completion of Minor Form must be submitted no later than the last day of instruction of expected graduation term.